Sunday, August 21, 2022

Comparison TCP and UDP | Loksewa 2078 question paper |Computer Engineer

 Q. Provide a comparison  between Transmission Control Protocol(TCP) and User Datagram Protocol(UDP).  5 marks


Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) are the most widely used Internet protocols. TCP is a connection-oriented protocol, which means, once a connection is established, data can be sent bidirectional. UDP, on the other hand, is a simpler, connectionless Internet protocol. Multiple messages are sent as packets in chunks using UDP.
TCP is a connection-oriented protocol. Connection-orientation means that the communicating devices should establish a connection before transmitting data and should close the connection after transmitting the data. UDP is the Datagram-oriented protocol. This is because there is no overhead for opening a connection, maintaining a connection, and terminating a connection. UDP is efficient for broadcast and multicast types of network transmission.
TCP is a connection-oriented protocol. UDP is a connectionless protocol.
The speed for TCP is slower. UDP is faster as error recovery is not attempted.
TCP is heavy-weight. TCP needs three packets to set up a socket connection before any user data can be sent. UDP is lightweight. There are no tracking connections, ordering of messages, etc.
Retransmission of data packets is possible in TCP in case packet get lost or need to resend. Retransmission of packets is not possible in UDP.
Handshakes such as SYN, ACK, and SYNACK are used. It's a connectionless protocol, which means it doesn't require a handshake.
TCP has a (20-60) bytes variable length header. UDP has an 8 bytes fixed-length header.
Eg: HTTP, HTTPs, FTP, SMTP, and Telnet use TCP Eg: DNS, DHCP, TFTP, SNMP, RIP, and VoIP use UDP

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