Thursday, August 18, 2022

Computer Architecture and Its components with their functiom | Nepal Bank Limited IT Officer 2078

1. Make a block diagram of Computer Architecture. Briefly explain the function of each component.  (4+6) marks

              A set of rules and methods that describe the functionality, management and implementation of computers is defined as computer architecture. The architecture of the computer is designed in such a way that to complete any instruction, the computer divides that instruction into its blocks so that that instruction is completed block-wise.
Generally, computer architecture  consists of following components:
-Input Unit
-CPU Unit
-Output Unit



Any instruction that the computer receives is the input unit. This unit comprises of different  devices like mouse, keyboard, scanner etc. Such devices act as mediator between the user and the computer. Because computers understand only binary language, the input device sends the user's data in binary form to the computer. 

An important function of Input unit block

  • Input device accepts and collects the data from the user.
  • Input unit converts the user instruction to the Machine language, which the computer understands.
  • After that, the input unit sends that instruction or data to the main memory of the computer for processing.

CPU- Central Processing Unit

CPU is the brain of the computer system. All input and output devices are connected to the CPU itself. All the instructions given to the computer by the user, all those instructions are executed by the CPU itself.
 CPU comprises of three units, namely:
  • Control Unit
  • Arithmetic Logic Unit
  • Memory Unit
All of these three units work in sync with CPU.

The Important of Function CPU unit:

  1. Fetch the Data - Fetch means CPU reading the user instruction from the main memory.
  2. Decode - It means the CPU decodes the user instruction and understands the instruction of the user, what type of data is the user who has given the, what is the arithmetic data, is the logic data.
  3. Execute - It means the CPU executes the instruction given by the user and gives the user result.
Control Unit:   It controls all unit activities of a computer system. 
For instance, if a user has entered any data into the computer through the input unit, then the control unit itself controls the activity whether the data made by the user from the input unit is being stored in the memory or not after storing the data in the main memory then the data is being fetched properly for  processing or not. After fetching, whether data decode is happening properly or not. Whether the decoded data is being executed or not and whether it is giving the result to the user after being executed. All these each and every instruction given by the user to the computer is controlled and verified by the control unit.

Arithmetic Logic Unit:  As it consists of two words arithmetic and logic, It performs all the mathematical operations such as - addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division and also perform logical operations like - AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR and XNOR.

Memory Unit:  It is the main part of computer where all the data's that has to be processed or has been processed are stored. It acts as a hub  of all the data.
It is further divides into two parts.
  1. Primary memory - Main memory of computer ,data stored is temporary. eg: RAM, ROM
  2. Secondary memory -  Permanent or auxiliary memory, stores data permanently. eg: HDD,SSD


 All the information that are sent to the computer once processed is received by the user through the output unit. The computer processes that user's input data and the output unit accepts the data in binary form from the computer. It then converts it into a readable form for the user. The devices such as monitor, printer, speaker etc. comes all under the output unit. This unit shows data either in soft copy or in hard copy. For instance, printer is for hard copy while monitor is for display/softcopy.

That's all for today. We will come next with answer solution. Stay safe

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