Thursday, September 1, 2022

Artificial Intelligence and its Component | Loksewa 078 question paper

 Q. What is AI? Describe in detail the components of AI. (10 marks)


John McCarthy, the father of Artificial Intelligence, defined it as "the science and engineering of creating intelligent machines, particularly intelligent computer programs".

An artificial intelligence system is one that makes a computer, a computer-controlled robot, or software think intelligently, like an intelligent human.

The goal of Artificial Intelligence is to create expert system and to implement human intelligence into machines.  Artificial Intelligence  is a technology based on a number of disciplines like computer science, biology, psychology, linguistics, mathematics, engineering and so on. 

The basic components of Artificial Intelligence can be mentioned below:

  1. Learning
  2. Reasoning
  3. Problem-solving
  4. Perception
  5. Language Understanding


AI relies heavily on learning in a number of different ways. Trial and error is the simplest form of learning. By doing this, the program remembers the section that has given the desired output and discards all other trial actions. An example is the case of mate-in-one chess problems, where moves are tested at random until one is found that results in mate. Whenever the computer is confronted with the same problem, the program recalls the successful move and produces the same result immediately.
Learning is of three types. They are:
  • Supervised Learning- computer algorithms are trained using input data that are labeled for particular results
  • Unsupervised Learning- A type of algorithm that learns patterns from untagged data.
  • Semi-supervised Learning- large amounts of unlabeled data are mixed with a small amount of labeled data during training.
  • Reinforcement Learning- algorithms are trained to explore their environments independently.


In other words, reasoning involves generating judgments based on the information provided. A strict rule of validity is applied to perform the reasoning. The two types of reasoning are deductive and inductive. Deductive reasoning involves the truth of the premises guaranteeing the truth of the conclusion, whereas, inductive reasoning involves the truth of the premises supporting the conclusion but it cannot be fully dependent on them. Programming logic generally relies on deductive inferences. Inferences that are relevant to the given problem or situation are drawn by reasoning.


Problem-solving is a third major component of the development of artificial intelligence programs and systems. In the development of AI, problem-solving is perhaps the most crucial element since artificial intelligence is all about making computers and systems solve problems like humans do. A more advanced application of AI can include developing efficient algorithms, analyzing root causes in order to identify a desirable solution, and developing heuristics.


Different sense-organs, either real or artificial, are necessary for intelligent agents to work within the environment and to detect objects in it. An agent uses sense organs such as cameras and temperature sensors to scan its environment. This is called perception. Upon capturing a scene, perceiver analyses the different objects in it, extracting their features and relationships.

Language Understanding

Using Natural Language Processing, machines or robots understand and process human speech and infer knowledge from it. Additionally, it involves the active participation of a machine in the form of dialog i.e. an NLP system focuses on a machine's or robot's output of text or verbal information. Speech and written text can be input and output of an NLP system.

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